#DearSurvivor: They Assaulted Me Sexually!

They always comes as flashes and I dream of it too!

The scenes of how they both sexually abused used to haunt my dreams. Well, they still do but only this time, I’ve found a way to deal with them. Hearing stories and reading some on the internet and on social media has allowed me to brush these memories away.

The first one was by HIM. Growing up, my family and I lived in a compound house. Being a little effeminate and my mum being overprotective of me, I wasn’t encouraged to go out. I was mostly in the house surrounded by books-my best friends. Also, I made friends with the adults in the house. Whenever my dad was at work and my was leaving the house, she left me in the care of one other tenant who was married with a kid at that time. Their child was older. Sayydu should have been 15 or 16 at that time amd I , 7. One day when my folks weren’t around, I went up to Sayydu’s. He was on the bed. I sat on the floor of the room which served as both the living room and bedroom. I was concentrating on the show being shown that I didn’t hear when he called me. He signaled me to come to the bed. I went to the bed. Before I knew what was happening, Sayydu had stuffed his penis in my mouth. He urged me suck on it. I did! This continued for sometime till he asked me to leave. He asked me to leave and not tell anyone because my Dad was going to beat me. There and then, I made up my mind never to tell anyone. Till date, my mum and dad don’t know anything about this. I see Sayydu till this day even though we moved from the house. Everytime I see him, I cringe. This is in no way indicating That Sayydu made me day. I always knew I was attracted to guys.

Few months after the Sayydu incident, my mum and Dad left for our hometown for a week and I was left in the care of a very close family friend. Their older daughter, Tiwaa and I were very close. One day when it was left with us both in the house she asked me to come sleep beside her. I stared into her eyes as she jerked me off. I wasn’t getting hard so she sucked me off. At this point I was semi-hard and she asked me to sleep on top of her. She asked me to penetrate her. I complied! The movement was getting uncomfortable so she asked me to just rub my dick on her lady parts. I still remember the music that was blasting from the stereo that day….Celine Dion’s I Drove All Night. She was older than I was and I still see her to this day.

If you’ve been sexually assaulted know that you’re not alone. Find a trusted person and speak up. The memories will continue to haunt you and it’s effects are never-ending till you’re able to talk about this. Now, let me go tell my parents about this!

General Queer, out!

This write-up is a true account of events.However, the names in there have been changed to protect anonymity.

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